It all started at
our kitchen table
We are Maybritt & Ruslan - the duo behind Davai
Ruslan is Belarussian & introduced Maybritt to Pelmeni
his favorite food from his home country
The Pelmeni of Ruslans' mom are delicious :)
but from the Russian store - a little bit less :(
we were very young, naive and optimistic
so we thought: f*ck it - we can do this better
Look, that's us in 2018 :)
The secret?
Albert Heijn
BBQ Sauce
Honestly - we knew nothing about food back then
so we asked ourselves: which flavours do we like?
"smokey & barbecue"
that's why the first dumplings were with meat, onion
Harissa from Colruyt and Remia BBQ Sauce.
not gonna lie - they were actually pretty good 🧑🍳
but after 50k handmade Remia BBQ dumplings
we decided to learn to cook (still love you Remia ❤️🔥)

ew vegan!! 🤢
there was no huge mission or vision in Davai
we just liked to make dumplings :)
But working in food showed us two things:
meat is not sustainable
but also
vegan food is kinda boring
All our dumplings had meat - which is yummy but bad.
But vegan was boring - so we felt a challenge.
Wouldn't it be cool to make vegan products that aren't full of E-numbers, meat replacers, processed soy chunks?
or summarized: f*ck it - we can do this better.
From two kids
to twenty
500 pieces/day is what we did in 2018.
Now we make 30 000 in the same time.
To source, make, steam, pack and ship all of these
you obviously need more than 4 hands.
So over the years we build a team of dumpling makers and dealers. On average - 20 beautiful people put their blood & sweat into Davai per month.
If you're one of them reading this - we love you 💕
If you're not - still love you but a bit less